Height: 31 inches
Weight: 22 lbs., 2 oz.
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches
It's kind of interesting seeing how his growth rate has slowed down quite a bit now that he is over a year old. His weight actually decreased a few ounces in the past 3 months.
Jack was entertained in the waiting room by his all time favorite item, a truck. We spend a lot of time watching these around the neighborhood and chasing them down the street. He also loves playing with them around the house. Such a boy!
So, typical meals are:
Breakfast- Waffles along with oatmeal with yogurt and apple sauce, and a few bites of banana. He eats surprisingly large breakfasts.
Dinner is usually whatever we can get him to eat of what we are eating, yogurt, and apple slices and/or a fruit and veggie pack.
I'm hoping through continually introducing new things, and sneaking things like meat and veggies into the things he likes, we can broaden his food experience. Jonathan and I love food, so you would think Jack would too. Someday...
Jack has also always lacked interest in sippy cups. A few times here or there he would take a few sips, but he usually just slams them on the ground until the liquid comes out, and then he rubs the liquid all over the floor. The pediatrician said some kids just never want to do the sippy cup thing, and we should just work with him on using a normal cup. My mother-in-law, Ann, said the same thing, so we are now just working with him on using a cup. We started off giving him his cup in the bath tub so he could practice. We would fill it up with fresh water, and he actually did really well immediately. Now I've started introducing it at meals with water so that the mess doesn't matter. He likes it a lot, and he drinks whenever Jonathan or I drink at meal time.
Words he says include: Izzy, Doggy, Hi, Bye, Car, Ball, and Uh-Oh. Uh-oh was funny for a while, but now he throws stuff down like my phone or other fragile items and says uh-oh. Sometimes he says Mama or Dada, but they're never directed at us.
Body parts he identifies: Head and feet. We're working on tummy.
Skills: He can step up one step and down one step without holding onto something. He usually does hold on, but he has done it by himself as well. He loves to run, and this includes running away from us. Sometimes we let him out of the stroller or off of his trike, and he basically jogs along side of it. He likes to be chased, and he runs away from Izzy holding her ball. He throws over hand, and this usually includes throwing Izzy's ball for her over and over again. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch, but those are the ones that come to mind.
Helping: He will clean up his blocks sometimes, and he likes doing it the most if I sing the clean up song we learned at The Little Gym. He likes to push the button to open and close the garage door. It actually comes in handy when I'm holding him in one arm and groceries in the other. He rides in the big part of the cart at the grocery store, because that's the only way he stays happy the whole time. The other day I was loading groceries in the back of the car, and he handed me bags. I wish I could have gotten a picture, because each time I loaded one and turned back around, he was standing there holding one up for me to grab.
Following requests: He will get his shoes (if they are in sight) and bring them to me when I ask. If Jonathan or I ask for a hug or a kiss, he will come give us one (if he feels like it). If I tell him to give Izzy a hug or a kiss, he will (if she lets him). He knows the main ones like, "come here," "not for Jack," "throw the ball," etc.
Fine motor skills: He picks up small pieces of things on the ground, which isn't my favorite but it's good he can do it. He has good hand eye coordination for feeding himself, giving high five, putting a straw into the lid of a drink the right way. He loves to build and tear down blocks. He can stack three blocks. He has tried to do four, but it tips over, because he doesn't have them lined up quite well enough.