At 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant I was at work and thought that I was having a miscarriage. I left work crying and went to the doctor. By my surprise and feelings of amazing good luck, our baby was fine. I guess 25-30% of people have symptoms of miscarriage while only 50% of those people actually have one. This incident of quickly leaving work is how I told my supervisor that I was pregnant. Not really the way that you want to go about telling people, but it prevented any apprehension or nerves about her reaction when I told her. The whole first trimester consisted of minor problems that sent me to the doctor more often than most people go, but obviously this guy is a survivor. I guess some of these problems were payback for the fact that I didn't really have terrible morning sickness like so many other people do :).
The whole second trimester was pretty smooth sailing. I look back at pictures I took o
f myself at the time where I thought I had this huge belly and it basically looks like I had a big lunch. In this picture I was 13 weeks pregnant and thought I had this obvious pregnant belly and was so excited to be wearing a maternity How your perspective changes once the belly has really taken over. I loved the second trimester, because people just start to ask with confidence when you are expecting, and I had finally come out of the fatigue haze of the first trimester and could actually stay awake past 6 p.m. At about 17 weeks I could feel the first little hint of movement, but you still question for a week or two if it really was movement or if your burrito settled weird in your stomach...haha. At 21 weeks we had the opportunity to find out the gender of the baby. The whole time leading up to that Jonathan was adamant that we would not find out the gender of the baby and that it would be more fun as a surprise. I really wanted to find out, because I'm not totally into surprises and would rather be able to plan appropriately. A week before the ultrasound where we could find out gender, Jonathan was away at National Guard Special Forces Selection and he texted me saying he was excited and we should find out the gender. So that next week we found out we were having a boy! Initially, I had hopes for a girl, but now I am flooded with relief that I don't have to worry about braiding hair and doing all the girlie things that I'm quite honestly not that good at. I can just slap some pomade in our boy's hair, stick him in a t-shirt and jeans, and he's good to go. My kind of morning time routine in the future!!
This third trimester has been so fun, because I feel like Jonathan has gotten to be more of an active participant. It was so nice to reach the point where he could see and feel the baby move around. His excitement has grown more and more throughout the third trimester, because I think that's when it becomes more real. A bigger stomach, a foot sticking out of my side, and my stomach jumping are good indicators that this is the real deal :). There are also so many decisions to make about medical care for the baby, natural vs. medicated births, whether they will sleep in your room or not, and so on and so on that it has been really fun making those decisions together as a couple. We don't always agree on everything, but we've really been able to compromise based on what is most important to each of us.
So like I said, as of today I am 40 weeks pregnant! As of two days ago I started sleeping on the couch instead
of in bed. For some reason I get much better sleep there. Instead of waking up 1-2 times an hour, I wake up every 2-3 hours, which really does make a difference in your energy level the next day. It makes me sad to not sleep in bed with Jonathan, but Izzy loves it since she has completely taken over my side of the bed. I have been drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea and taking Evening Primrose Oil tablets, which allegedly help get things moving along. I sit on my exercise ball every night trying to bounce the baby out, and I get on my hand and knees numerous times per night trying to get the baby in the optimal fetal position. No luck so far, but the baby can't stay in there forever! We have several meals cooked or purchased and in the freezer for after we come home. The nursery is finished besides a few decorative touches, and the pack n play is in our room so the baby can sleep next to us for a little while. We also put the car seat bases in both cars, and I'm driving around with the car seat in my car. Now it's just the waiting game.
Last night we put vinyl art fish on the wall. It adds a lot of color to the room without being afraid something's going to fall off the wall over his crib.
How far along: 40 weeks!
Sleep: Not so great. I'm sleeping on the couch now, because the firmness and support of the back of the couch seems to help me get longer periods of sleep without waking up.
Best moment this week: Besides the usual fun of feeling the baby, I was really excited to get an infant photographer lined up for after he is born to take cute newborn photos!
Movement: It's definitely more rolling and quick jabs or a foot in my side instead of major kicks. There is also a lot of movement from one side to the other so one side of my stomach will be more elevated than the other.
Cravings: I've been back on my dairy craving again and am feeling milk crazed.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: I've still been crampy, but nothing to get too excited about.
Belly Button: It's pushed out a little bit farther, but I still consider it an innie. Jonathan disagrees, but it has not "popped."
What I miss: I barely remember not being pregnant to know what to miss...haha.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy! It's right around the corner!!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't get caught up on the due date, because it's really a due month. He'll come out when he's ready. I'm really, really trying to focus on this!
I can't believe you're past your due date now! WHOO HOOOO! Any day now :) Skylar took an extra 4 days to come out and I did pretty much everything to get her going but eat eggplant parmesan, lol. Oh well - they'll come when they're ready. Your first lesson in parenting: you can't control them no matter how bad you want to or how hard you try! I can't wait to hear from you!!!!! I hope I am on your call/text list when the little guy arrives :)