Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quick Catch Up

I'm hoping I can get back on track with blogging, particularly in these last few weeks of pregnancy.  I really want to print this out at some point as a memory book, so I need to get on it :).  My last blog was almost 6 weeks ago, so I'm going to try to remember some of the major bullet points of these past few weeks.  

My mom came to visit for a week in the beginning of September, but I don't have any pictures of her and Jack.  She spent most of her time taking just pictures of him.  We loved having her here...Jack got some major play time, and I got to take walks by myself every day for a little "me" time!  This was probably one of the cutest pictures that she took of Jack while she was here.  He loved her headphones and suitcase.
Prior to her visit, we had an ultrasound at the 29 weeks, 5 days mark on August 29, 2012 to see if the placenta previa had fixed itself.  Luckily, everything looked good so no more restrictions!  We never had an ultrasound so late in the pregnancy with Jack, so it was a fun experience.  They even turned on the 3D for us for a quick look.  The baby did not want to move his arm away from his face no matter how hard they tried to shake him and poke him.
 And here's a cute picture of him sticking his tongue out:
At this point he measured approximately 3 lbs., 2 oz., which is in the 43rd percentile, so no gigantic baby here.

In the past few weeks, Jack and I have been filling our time with play dates, Gymboree, Bible Study, and just trying to stay cool.  The weather has been unseasonably hot here, and it's still hitting the 90s in the first week of October.

One play group that we go to on Mondays set up a firehouse tour.  Sadly, it was cut short when they had to go out for a call, but we got a little bit of time to look around the fire truck.

This past weekend we went to Laguna Beach in the morning before it got too hot.  I finally took an updated belly picture.  In this picture I am 34 weeks, 2 days along.
Here's Jonathan and Jack enjoying the sand:
After the beach we went over to one of the outdoor malls, and we rode the ferris wheel.  Jack pointed it out from the car, so we couldn't disappoint him.  He's been sick with a pretty bad cold the past several days, so it was a fun activity to get some fresh air.
Last night I went to a hospital tour so I make sure I know the route to the hospital and my way around the Labor and Delivery area.  Jonathan was supposed to go, but he ended up babysitting since Jack is sick.  I won a free infant photo session and 8"x10" photo in a raffle, so that was neat.  That decreases the cost of newborn photos by about half :).

So, not my most thorough blog, but I think that gets all of the major stuff.  If I come upon any great pictures or think of something I'm forgetting I'll do another update.

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