Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mary's 8-Month Update

Mary turned 8-months old yesterday, and I can't even believe how fast this first year is going!  Here is her monthly photo:
She's really become a more active member of the family instead of just sitting on the sidelines watching.  The boys love her so much, and she thinks they are extremely interesting to watch.    
They both love showering her with kisses and doing raspberries on her belly.
As you can see below she has her two bottom front teeth.  You can see the edge of another one poking through on the bottom.  She's constantly chewing on her hands and just about anything she can get a hold of.
Mary finally enjoys bath time and actually relaxes.  She went through a phase where she spent the entire bath screaming.  She also hated having lotion applied, and she laughs now when you do it…improvement!
She isn't a huge fan of her car seat, but she does pretty well as long as she has some toys to play with and chew on.  
I've strayed from the baby led weaning strategy and have gone to purees.  Mary was getting angry that she couldn't hold onto food well.  She would get upset when she couldn't get a piece of food in her mouth.  I tried purees and she was a total happy camper being able to actually swallow something.  She is a food lover for sure.  If you're too slow getting food into her mouth she starts crying, and she doesn't like to watch others eat while she's not eating.  I eat pretty much all my meals cold when she is present.
I would say her favorite food is egg yolk.  This girl can eat two 4-oz fruit packs and an egg yolk before I end the meal for her.  She would keep going if I let her, but I don't want her to get over-full and not nurse well.

Her most recent milestone is that she started waving on May 4th, so the day before she turned 8-months.  I was holding her watching the boys eat breakfast, and she started waving at them.  She then did it four more times before her morning nap.  I was able to get a short video of it.  She's a waving-machine now :).  She waves at people, the refrigerator, the window…she loves it.  She looks at her hand sometimes like 'what is happening? This is amazing.'

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