Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our First Baby Items

Now that we know we are having a boy, we have gotten a few clothing items. It makes everything way more me at least. My parents were in town the 4th of July weekend, spent some time around Colorado, and are back this weekend. When they got here they arrived with our first baby outfits as a gift.

One of my friends, Emily, from our gym is also pregnant, and is due about 4 weeks after me. She was absolutely certain in her mind that she was having a boy, so she went out and purchased a couple of boy items. Well, surprise, she is having a girl! She was sweet enough to pass on her boy items to me since she would not be using them.

I am also soooo excited about my diaper bag that we purchased as my birthday gift last week, and we are waiting for it to come in the mail. It is a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag. I had never heard of this brand before, but one of my co-workers is pregnant as well, and she told me about them. I got an amazing deal on mine, and it is the cutest thing ever! It looks more like a messenger bag, but it is silver with yellow accents on it, and it includes a changing pad and case for wipes. The straps also adjust to more like a backpack so it can be easily strapped onto the stroller. It kind of makes me laugh that I'm at the point in life where a diaper bag makes me want to jump up and down with excitement...haha :).

I held Jonathan captive at Babys R Us on Monday for about 2 hours trying to get our baby registry started. It was a little overwhelming when the registry people show you this HUGE list of all the stuff you "need." It's a miracle that any of us in this generation and the ones before us survived, because I know our parents didn't have all this stuff. My big task now is to pick out the bedding so that I can plan all the other stuff in the nursery around it. We did most of our registry, but I'll tweak it once I figure out bedding since I'm a super matchy matchy person. We're lucky enough to have nieces and nephews that are out of the crib stage, so we inherit a crib and changing table, and we are purchasing an armour from my sister-in-law, Amy. We are going to strip it, change the knobs, and make it match the crib. Once we move mid-August we will start setting up the baby's room...very exciting!

As for the pregnancy update, we're just truckin' along, and I'm getting bigger as expected :). I am 22 weeks and 3 days as of today. I can feel him move around much more often and more distinctively. He's also started to develop a little bit of a movement schedule. He is most active in the morning and late at night. I also feel a lot of jolts after meals. I hadn't felt him too much yesterday until I had a chocolate shake, and he went a little bit crazy. He obviously is an ice cream lover like his mom :). I was laying in bed last night after getting back from Sonic, and I saw my stomach start to get a little visible wave and then a huge jolt on the right side where I could SEE him kick from the neat! I felt bad, because Jonathan's at training this weekend for the National Guard and missed it. Not too big of a deal, though, because I know there's a lot more of it to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! love the carrot outfit! And Jonathan was a little too excited about the bear outfit...
