Monday, August 29, 2011

1.5 New Milestones

I can't believe I almost forgot to blog about this. I like using this blog as a record of the things that happen with Jack for my own personal memory as well, so I have to include it. Jack has never been a baby that puts things in his mouth at all. We of course take precautions to make sure there's nothing around to choke on, but I'm usually not overly concerned that he's stuffing things in his mouth. I hear and read horror stories of people's babies putting disgusting things in their mouths and always needing to be on the watch, but not at this house. Anyway, lately Jack has started putting a few more things than usual in his mouth...mostly his shirt, fingers, hat, and Sophie the teething giraffe. He looks like this a lot lately:

Nothing major, but a definite change in normal behavior. So my best guess was that he was finally starting the teething process. As I sat down to start this post, Jack pulled up on the couch next to me and smiled. I had to take a second glance, but I saw the very, very top of one of his bottom teeth just starting to break through. I'll be taking a bunch of pictures of his gummy smile in the time we have left, because I'll kind of miss it even though teeth are super cute too!

Another recent milestone is crawling, which I truly thought he would just skip right over. I believe it was August 16th or 17th of this month. As I mentioned before, he was crawling every once in a while on grass or while naked on our tile floor, but now he's using it much more regularly. He'll still drop into a commando crawl when he's accelerating to get away from me, but he crawls for most day to day stuff :). It's hard to get a picture of it, because he stops when I get my camera out, so here's the best I could action shot chasing his wooden ball.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big he's getting! I hope I can come see you guys sometime soon :) love you and miss you!!!
