Jack also spends a lot of time pulling up on the coffee table and reaching for items to play with. I was trying to think of the perfect word to describe him in this phase, and impish (synonymous with mischievous) came to mind :).
Jonathan and I wanted to put together a blog to update people on what is going on in our lives these days. We have so much going on and so many family and friends far away that we thought this would be a great way to stay connected!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Our Impish Infant
Jack also spends a lot of time pulling up on the coffee table and reaching for items to play with. I was trying to think of the perfect word to describe him in this phase, and impish (synonymous with mischievous) came to mind :).
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Getting Creative
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Play Time...Jack Style!
This morning we had some playtime before going to a trial workout class, and Jack was all over the place. Here he is scaling all of the stairs this morning! I lured him to the landing with Spongebob on my phone :). (Sorry for bad lighting and Disclaimer: I ran to the bottom of the staircase just long enough to snap a picture then ran back up...no baby would have been hurt during this stunt).
As for sleeping, things are getting A LOT better. Thank you to everyone for your encouragement and words of advice. He still cries, but not nearly for as long or as intensely. The past two nights he's fallen asleep after about 5-7 minutes of crying compared to a little over 30 the first night. Now when he wakes up when he should be sleeping, he cries for about a minute and falls back to sleep on his own. Still a little bit of a work in progress, especially with naps, but big strides in the right direction!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Uncharted Territory
So, I went to good ol' facebook for advice from friends. What it comes down to is establishing a more structured routine and more rigid sleep training. I purchased the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D. by recommendation of Brie Prose and doing some background reading on it. I always thought I would try to avoid the cry-it-out method, but after doing some reading and putting some thought into it, I think it's the way to go. Today I have gotten a quick start. His morning nap and afternoon nap (which he is taking right now) have been a bit traumatic for me. He has cried about 18-20 minutes each time before falling asleep. His first nap only lasted about 40 minutes, which is short for him. I may have gone in to get him too early. I'm obviously barely into the book, so I'll have to perfect some of the techniques. I always watched Super Nanny thinking how silly it was that parents wanted to run in to get their children when they cried at night not wanting to sleep. Now I am that parent sitting on the couch with tears welling up trying not to go in since he sounds so upset.
I have given myself a few extra things to overcome in this napping thing, because I usually let him nap in his swing with the sound machine on...maybe not the best idea in hindsight. Today I have committed to having him nap in his crib like he really should be, and I'm sure that adds to his frustration.
I know sleep training is best and it's the right time, because Jack will get upset now, stop crying to look at your reaction, and when you say his name he will start crying again. So smart, but so manipulative :) I am always tempted to start things like this "tomorrow," but today is yesterday's tomorrow, right?!
Ok, so I just needed to vent a little via blog. If anyone has any tips, suggestions, words of wisdom, I'd love to hear it. Tonight I think I will be doing a workout video while Jack cries to try and distract myself. I'm doing this while Jonathan's gone over the weekend for National Guard drill, so I'm hoping we can be on the right track when he gets back.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Our Weenie Baby Turns 4
I got Izzy in 2007 when I was single, living in Memphis. How things have changed :). Here's my sweet little weenie baby a day or two after coming home with me.
A Fun Filled Fourth!
Part of my sunburn was on top of my head on the part in my hair and scalp since I have such thin blonde hair. Jonathan saw a hat shop and stopped to get me two hats on his way home from work today to help me prevent reoccurring sunburns on the top of my head :). Here's me and Jack grilling out tonight with one of my new hats.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Mama's Little Troublemaker
However, Jack finds other ways to make day-to-day tasks more challenging. I almost dread diaper change times, which take place about every 2 to 2.5 hours. He refuses to stay on his back, and he battles me til the end to roll over onto his stomach. My way of handling it is to get the diaper ready and wipes all in place, then put him on the changing table, get him unbuttoned, and then hand him a toy to try to distract him long enough to get the diaper on him. He still manages to roll over and get mad when I try to roll him back. You can't be too mad at someone this cute, though...
Jack also continues to pull-up on whatever he can. He can pull up in his crib as in one of the previous posts, but he also gets enough traction on our leather couches and chair that he can pull himself up on the back of the couch/chair and look out the window. He tries to pull up on us all the time and whatever else he can get his hands on.
Jack has also found a new interest in trying to climb our stairs. You have to admire his confidence and perseverance in trying to climb them even though he does not get very far.
One last thing I almost forgot to mention is that about a week and a half or two weeks ago Jack started saying Mama. I heard most babies say Dada first, and I actually practice Dada more than Mama, but somehow Mama caught on. It's usually more like Mamamama drawn out and not directed at me, but it's Mama all the same. It also usually gets said most when he's upset. He wants his mama :).