(This picture is a little funny looking because of the lighting in our apartment at night. It looks like something out of the 1970's.)
As of today, we have reached the 32 week and 1 day mark! I'm feeling a little like a boat, and I can't imagine how much bigger I can get in the next 8 weeks-ish. I already feel like a turtle stuck on my back trying to get out of bed, so Jonathan will probably have to hoist me out in a couple of weeks :). I think the most amazing part of this week by far is the fact that you can feel that it really is a little person inside of you by feeling knees or elbows, a little booty, or feeling his back. I also never expected it to sting quite so much when the baby nails a bone like your ribs or hip bone! It can be a shocker sometimes!! Last night Jonathan was rubbing the right side of my stomach, and you could feel the baby's body shift to that side and get under his hand. He stayed under Jonathan's hand the whole time he rubbed, and went back to the middle when Jonathan stopped. Soooo neat!
How far along: 32 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes: Always and getting to the point of not fitting into a few that I have or stretching them quite a bit. I'm going to need a few more items for the fall and as I get even bigger.
Sleep: I sleep great! It's when I wake up and try to get out of bed that I struggle.
Movement: Lots of movement, but it's different now. It's a lot more nudges with knees and elbows, twitches, and body rolls rather than flat out kicks. Not much room in there I'm guessing.
Cravings: Back on my milk/dairy kick from earlier in the pregnancy. Must mean I need more calcium or something.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: None really...just some mild cramping. Maybe Braxton Hicks if that's what they feel like.
Belly Button in our out? Still technically in. Jonathan is waiting patiently for it to pop :).
What I miss: I still miss sleeping on my stomach and back, and I am jealous when I see Jonathan sleeping like that...haha. I also miss a more varied wardrobe.
What am I looking forward to? I'm really looking forward to getting the nursery set up. I have set a personal deadline of 36 weeks to get everything set up and washed...that gives us a month.
Weekly Wisdom: To be more aware of my new size and where I'm walking. I keep hitting door panels and counters with my stomach as I round corners too tight.
Milestones: Baby Milestone- Reacting to the touch of Jonathan's hand. My Milestone- Switching doctors and picking a doula.
HAHAHA - that picture is AWESOME! You are getting so big!!! I know it doesn't seem like you can stretch much more, but rest assured, you will! Love you guys :) Glad your new doc is cool!