The next photos will be when it is completed!
I had my 30-week appointment yesterday morning, and it's a fun point in the pregnancy for appointments. The baby's heart rate was normal at 150, and he measured at right on track. The heart rate was a little higher than the last appointment, but he was super active kicking around the whole time. The nurse said that would raise his heart rate a little bit. The doctor felt around my stomach and estimated his weight between 3 and 3.5 pounds, so he's getting so much bigger! He's been moving around quite a bit, and the kicks are getting harder and very noticeable from the outside. About two days ago I started getting sharp pains in my ribs when he would kick, and I have also been getting a lot of hard kicks and pressure on my pubic bone. I'm very short waisted, so he doesn't have anywhere to go besides against bone. One of my favorite things is sitting back and watching my stomach squirm around and feeling his body shift when I touch my stomach. It's probably one of the most amazing things ever, and I can see myself missing it a little bit. However, I'm more excited for him to be here in person! Here is the 30-week photo update:
I wanted to end this post with a picture of the most adorable weiner dog. Izzy has been a little bit traumatized by the move and Jonathan going back to school. Her personality has been a little bit out of whack lately, but she's still our favorite little dog. Here she stretching is out in the morning before getting out of bed:
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